




Designing a Word of the Day App: Balancing Local Word Data with Cloud-Based Learning Records"
I have a "Word of the Day" application with a CoreData database containing approximately 14,000 word entities. These entities have attributes like frequency (indicating how often a word appears in some corpus), definition, and pronunciation. Currently, this information is stored locally. I want to add a feature that allows users to store their learning data about these words. For example, users should be able to mark words with a rating of 1, 2, or 3 to indicate their degree of familiarity with the words. My ultimate goal is to display the highest-frequency word with a user familiarity rating of 1 and display it as todays word of the day. The challenge I'm facing is how to set up my app so that learning data is stored in the cloud while the word information remains stored locally. I've seen that you can create different configurations and have one connected to CloudKit, but this approach may make it difficult to write queries that combine information from both the Word entity and the LearningData entity. I'm looking for suggestions on how to address this issue effectively.
Oct ’23