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I am trying to write a safari web extension that redirects users to Y URL if they type X URL without ever loading the X URL. The piece of code that I have attached below works smoothly on chrome, but not on safari. background.js function onBeforeNavigate(event) { const redirectURL = "" chrome.tabs.update(event.tabId, { url: redirectURL }) } chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(onBeforeNavigate,{ url: [ {urlMatches: "*"}, {urlMatches: "*"} ] }) manifest.json "manifest_version": 2, "name": "", "description": "", "version": "1.0", "background": { "scripts": [ "background.js" ] }, "permissions": [ "webNavigation", "tabs" ] } I have tried writing browser.tabs.update and just tabs.update in place of chrome.tabs.update in safari version, no change. I want to achieve the redirection anyhow through a safari web extension, please suggest changes in this one or share any other approaches. webRequestBlocking is not supported by Safari, so that doesn't work either.
by mt2107.
Last updated
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I am trying to make a safari extension that will redirect some specific URLs to some other URLs. background.js function redirect(event) { console.log("called ") const redirectURL = "" chrome.tabs.update(event.tabId, { url: redirectURL }) } // This works and redirects everything to chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(redirect) /* tabs.update doesn't work as soon as URL filter is added, but the same piece of code works in a chrome extension but not in safari OnBeforeNavigate is called on accessing as the console statement is printed on accessing but tab is not updated. */ chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(redirect, { url: [ { urlMatches: "*" }, { urlMatches: "*" } ] }) manifest.json "manifest_version": 2, "name": "", "description": "", "version": "1.0", "background": { "scripts": [ "background.js" ] }, "permissions": [ "webNavigation", "tabs" ] } How do I redirect only specific URLs and not all URLs or is there something wrong with the above piece of code, but because it works on chrome, it could be a bug in safari?
by mt2107.
Last updated
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1 Replies
I am trying to write a URL-redirection safari web extension. manifest.json "declarative_net_request": { "rule_resources": [ { "id": "ruleset", "enabled": true, "path": "rules.json" } ] }, "permissions": [ "declarativeNetRequest", "webNavigation" ] } Rules.json [ { "id": 1, "priority": 1, "action": { "type": "redirect", "redirect": { "regexSubstitution": "" } }, "condition": { "regexFilter": "http://*/", "resourceTypes": [ "main_frame" ] } } ] Expectation - any search should redirect to Getting this error Non-fatal issue: Rule with id 1 is invalid. redirect is not a supported action type. The same code works fine in chrome as a chrome extension, giving error in safari browser only. Is redirect not supported by safari? If no, what other options do i have to achieve it?
by mt2107.
Last updated