




Reply to Playgrounds get stuck "Running..."
I'm using Xcode 13 Beta 4 and still running into this. I found another workaround (I'll use MacOs playground when possible). Whenever I accidentally hit an infinite loop (happens a lot doing DP problems :) ) and hit the Square in the lower left to Stop I'm doomed. Once stuck in this state, even if you kill Xcode when you open it, it immediately starts running again (with the bad code). Even if I fix the code, it just starts up and gets stuck. My project is in GIT and noticed this difference in the project (contents.xcplayground) It adds and sets a flag executeOnSourceChanges='true', I just revert that change and I'm good to go. Also if I do run into an infinite loop and just kill Xcode rather than try to stop it, that also avoids the problem. This is the Diff of contents.xcplayground (this file is inside your playground project "content folder") I might try adding that attribute and set it false and see if that prevents it from getting set true. Rather than absent. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> -<playground version='5.0' target-platform='ios' buildActiveScheme='true' importAppTypes='true'> +<playground version='5.0' target-platform='ios' buildActiveScheme='true' executeOnSourceChanges='true' importAppTypes='true'> <timeline fileName='timeline.xctimeline'/> </playground>
Aug ’21
Reply to Widget and Apple Health refresh rate
I agree the Widget constraints are a joke. I can update the resource constrained apple watch but I can't update the BIG Battery phone that might even be plugged in. It's kind of a mess. But the apple watch did take several years to make it usable. Maybe it will do what it should have in iOS 17.4 I want to display a burst of detailed information (up to the second) that periodically occurs at unpredictable times. Like what if waze wanted to pop something on a widget about a road side emergency. But your out of budget. Or what if you have buy order on stock reaching a trigger. Updates every 15 minutes is crazy. I just coded up the UI portion of a Widget and started looking into the refresh methodology and was seriously disappointed and will probably dump the whole idea of offering a Widget. It's useless.
Jan ’21