




Reply to iOS app not interactive(Xcode 15 beta 5)
I am experiencing something similar with my Mac app. Having investigated using the Instruments tool, it seems that my app is constantly fetching data, causing the main thread to be blocked and making the UI unresponsive. I wasn't encountering this in Beta 5, but I am in Beta 6. I did run a smaller app that leverages SwiftData on the iOS Simulator, and I'm not getting 100% CPU usage. Strange
Aug ’23
Reply to SwiftData+Cloudkit Migration Failed
I am encountering a similar problem as you, this time on MacOS Sonoma 14.5. Our team's code for integrating SwiftData and CloudKit is similar to yours and closely follows the official documentation from Apple regarding SwiftData and CloudKit: Our code worked on previous versions of Sonoma, but since updating to 14.5, we have consistently encountered the issue you are having, and it is infuriating. I am currently investigating why ours is failing, but it is frustrating to follow the documentation and still see our app crash.
May ’24