




Reply to 'Float16' is unavailable in macOS when in swift package
I'm very upset because I feel like it should be easier to find than this, but in the docs (and the Float16 header): /// A half-precision (16b), floating-point value type. /// /// `Float16` is available on Apple silicon, /// and unavailable on Intel when targeting macOS. sooo, basically, if you conditionally compile for arm, it should work: #if arch(arm64) @available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, *) let value: Float16 = 0 #endif
Aug ’23
Reply to HLS Video in Simulator getting `segPumpRequestCustomURLForCryptKey` crash:
It appears to be centered around the usage of a custom scheme in the HLS m3u8 file link to the encryption key: if I use http(s) to link the encryption key, it works fine. If I use something custom like fakey, it never even makes it to the delegate method for AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate called resourceLoader(_ resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader, shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest) where I'd swap out the scheme for a real one, because it crashes first. So far, I can only replicate this on the iOS 15 simulator. I've opened a feedback: FB9764319
Nov ’21
Reply to CollectionViewListCell Indentation
Turns out I'm ****** and it's easy. Just set the value when you are configuring the cell in whatever cellForItemAt variant you are using. func configureCell(_ cell: UICollectionViewListCellSubclass, indexPath: IndexPath, item: DataSourceItem) { cell.titletext = "Cell Title" cell.subtitleText = "1/2/2021" cell.indentationLevel = 0 // or whatever }
May ’21
Reply to LLDB Output less Helpful in Xcode 12.5
I'll have to give that a watch when I have a moment, and I'll try to find time to isolate it for a bug report, but I'm not optimistic about that happening. Life at a startup, you know? That backlog ain't going to shorten itself. Is it worth filing a bug report without a sample project? I could at least provide some context and hopefully get it noticed.
May ’21