




Reply to SwiftUI Preview Don't work iOS 15 Xcode 13.0
Was struggling with this issue for the past few hours and just resolved it. The issue was that the device chosen from the list of simulators runs on iOS 15.2, and when I go to Preferences > Components I wasn't seeing 15.2 listed, only 15.0. So to resolve this: I went to Window > Devices and Simulators Chose Simulators Clicked on the + at the bottom left corner Added a name and choose iOS 15.0 (since it was the only one I had in the components) Selected this new device in the list then tried to re-un the preview and it worked fine Hope this helps someone.
Feb ’22
Reply to Universal Links - SWCERR00305 - denied because the CDN told us to stop with HTTP status 404
Were you able to solve this @Kian1991? I'm also not sure how to debug this further. In the console I found the exact error you have: Request for 'private' for task AASA-43125F81-FE26-4132-9AA3-370970059919 { domain: ….com, bytes: 0, route: cdn } denied because the CDN told us to stop with HTTP status 404: SWCERR00305 Network error -- {"cause":"dial tcp connect: connection refused"} The only idea I have now is to just wait a few days and see if the CDN refreshes as initially I mistakingly had an extra comma in the JSON, which is a frustrating way to debug things. Have you tried Apple's Validation Tool - What do you get in the Link to Application row? I get "Error no apps associated with url". Edit: I just tried my website on the URL in your post: and it returned the correct JSON. Not sure what's going on! Edit 2: I deleted then re-installed the app and it seems to be working now. One thing I noticed is the URL you have prompts me to download the file on Safari, which is not supposed to happen. I'm not familiar with how file downloads are implemented, but this file should be presented the same as CSS or JS files, just text content.
Mar ’21