




Reply to Changing WKWebView ScrollView’s contentInset results in wiggle while selecting a text inside content editable <div>
Sorry for wrong video link, update with correct link now.Got your point, but why is scrollView property of WKWebView exposed to public if WebKit doesn't want us to alter any of its properties ?Also, webview's scrollview content inset is adjusted in other scenraios like safe area insets(eg. content inset of scrollview is adjusted automatically if WebView underlaps UINavigationBar).I tried by setting ViewController's additionalSafeAreaInsets property to UIEdgeInsetsMake(200.0, self.additionalSafeAreaInsets.left, self.additionalSafeAreaInsets.bottom, self.additionalSafeAreaInsets.right); and the issue is not observed in this scenario but the only problem is scrollview ignores any interaction that happen in top 200 pixels so, scroll won't happen while dragging inside 0 to 200.I'm just thinking think from a point of view where its is a bug in webkit.
Mar ’20
Reply to Changing WKWebView ScrollView’s contentInset results in wiggle while selecting a text inside content editable <div>
Thanks John for you suggestion. I'm actually trying to replicate something simiar to iOS native mail's email compose screen. Top part is native UI and the botton part is to add the body content with rich text capablities.Sample project - video -
Mar ’20