We are a happy user of WeatherKit REST API.
When can I expect weatherAlerts to work in Japan?
The availability endpoint doesn't return weatherAlerts and I hope it's coming soon.
Can a single domain serve a /.well-known/apple-app-site-association file for multiple apps from different developers?
We currently have our own domain, let's say example.com,
which serves https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
which lists our app, let's say "ABCDEFG.com.example.AppA" for path "/app/a".
We're talking with another developer who has another app on the store.
Can we add their app, "MNOPQR.com.different.AppB" on our site, https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association, add their app ID for path "/app/b",
ask them to add our example.com domain in their associated-domains entitlement,
and would it work?
I mean would https://example.com/app/a open our app "ABCDEFG.com.example.AppA" and https://example.com/app/b open their app "MNOPQR.com.different.AppB" ?
We want to open https://example.com/redirect/app redirect to either /app/a or /app/b depending on the query parameters and launch our or their app.
Thanks in advance!
WeatherKit REST API is awesome.
We would like to use it in production being sure that it'll not suddenly disappear.
Do you have any dates it will be released?