Thanks for this - do I need to keep a background with zero opacity? removing the background (for me at least) results in the same issue and I'm sure I'm clicking / tapping in the same place! :)
Hopefully these will be resolved - I'm not sure whether I've just been unlucky but Xcode seems to be extremely temperamental. I'm transitioning from mostly .NET development to iOS and while I'm enjoying learning swift and swiftUI the last three minor updates to Xcode have broken our main app in different ways that have been tricky to pin down, one only happened on release builds for iOS 14.
Is this just the norm or is there a lot of fundamental change in iOS development right now?
Can confirm my issue is still there on 13.3.1 - chased it down to a Twilio Voice SDK in my particular case:
Will I ever be able to leave 13.1? lol
Out of interest what test strategy would to apply for a general iOS project? Can you still test most things using MV or you don't bother with unit tests and use UI testing / integration?
I'm coming from a predominantly .NET background to iOS and still learning SwiftUI - I did groan when I saw MVVM mentioned in more 'advanced' courses, I remember WPF days!
Is this the same approach as vue + vuex / pinia? local state is in the views and more complex / shared state you add to a store
@sebsto thanks for the suggestion - unfortunately for me there are no services listed for the test app but I still cannot delete the identifier. I've made peace with it now :D
Hi, thanks for this - I did read that which I agree is unambiguous!
I'm assuming there is no mechanism to opt-in for passcode devices while still supporting non passcode?
If not that is understandable and I can report back to management that essentially this change would require all users to have passcode on