fruitPrefab.usda -> "fruitPrefab.usda" sorry about this typo
Turns out it's the matter of 3D model (or at least replacing with new 3D model can fix it). The original model contains a scope type (I don't know what does it mean in Reality Compose Pro). I use this model as .usdz and drag and drop to my scene. But it seems like this "scope" hierarchy has blocked the model to use its parent's anchor. Which I think with literal understanding, "scope" means it is not "controlled" by its parent?
Solved by my own. It turns out one .usda scene has a custom component which causes failing to deserialize the whole scene. I have implemented Codable and Component protocol but forget to implement Decodable I guess.
@Vision Pro Engineer Thanks for your reply and your help! I just copy and paste all of the parameters in your code snippet. But this still not works. I didn't paste the code because most of the component's parameters are set in Reality Composer Pro. You can see that in my attachments.
I am thinking it's about ModelEntity. In my case, "Qiu" is a ball with sphere collision box, but I checked that in my code, Qiu cannot be cast into a ModelEntity. I am thinking probably the Entity itself doesn't have a mesh attached to it, because Qiu is imported from a DCC, it has a child Entity containing a meshResource (but no collision sphere attached to this Entity).
But as the document said, as long as an Entity has PhysicsBodyComponent and a CollisionComponent, it should have the ability to participate physics simulation. Or there must be some misalignment between RealityComposerPro and RealityKit
Turns out most of the issues could be solved by UPGRADING to the LATEST version of ANYTHING
Apparently this is only because I am running this in debug mode. With released build, the latency doesn't exist anymore.
Btw, I have converted all my stereo audios to mono audios for SpatialAudio. But it can still not be found.
Thanks for the reply and I believe my timeline is triggered by this notification. Because I append a notification action in this timeline and in my code I can receive the message from that action.
However, the TransformTo and Hide actions in the same timeline doesn't seem to be triggered. I have played that timeline in RCP, it went well. Note that TransformTo and Notification actions are targeted to the same Entity in the scene. And my Hide action targeting to a child entity of it. Any idea why this may happen? Thanks.
(I also tried using applyTapForBehaviors on the entity, but it;s still not working
Just like applytapforbehaviors(), with onNotification, do I need to explicitly call something like playAnimation/applyNotificationForBehaviors? Maybe?