I am finding a way to get car odometer value using a car smart system. like Android Auto, and Apple CarPlay
Is there any library or class to get car information from CarPlay, like car sensors, car speed, odometer value, etc?
In android, there is one library call android.car which provides all kinds of car information like, car speed, fuel, odometer value, tire pressure, door status, etc.
I am finding a library for apple CarPlay to, get the above car information
Hello All,
I am facing one problem in the Nearby Interaction library, I want to connect multiple devices at the same time,
Right now NISession is disconnect itself when a new device comes in range and connect with a new device
My question is how can I connect with multiple devices at the same time and access the distance of all the connected devices.
This how i am using right now
final class NearbyInteractionManager: NSObject {
static let instance = NearbyInteractionManager()
var sessionNI: NISession?
weak var delegate: NearbyInteractionManagerDelegate?
func start() {
sessionNI = NISession()
sessionNI?.delegate = self
MultipeerConnectivityManager.instance.delegate = self
private var discoveryTokenData: Data {
guard let token = sessionNI?.discoveryToken,
let data = try? NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: token, requiringSecureCoding: true) else {
fatalError("can't convert token to data")
return data
extension NearbyInteractionManager: MultipeerConnectivityManagerDelegate {
func connectedDevicesChanged(devices: [String]) {
print("connected devices changed \(devices)")
func connectedToDevice() {
print("connected to device")
MultipeerConnectivityManager.instance.shareDiscoveryToken(data: discoveryTokenData)
func receivedDiscoveryToken(data: Data) {
print("data received")
guard let token = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: NIDiscoveryToken.self, from: data) else {
fatalError("Unexpectedly failed to encode discovery token.")
let configuration = NINearbyPeerConfiguration(peerToken: token)
// MARK: - NISessionDelegate
extension NearbyInteractionManager: NISessionDelegate {
func session(_ session: NISession, didUpdate nearbyObjects: [NINearbyObject]) {
delegate?.didUpdateNearbyObjects(objects: nearbyObjects, token: nearbyObjects[0].discoveryToken)
func session(_ session: NISession, didRemove nearbyObjects: [NINearbyObject], reason: NINearbyObject.RemovalReason) {}
func sessionWasSuspended(_ session: NISession) {}
func sessionSuspensionEnded(_ session: NISession) {}
func session(_ session: NISession, didInvalidateWith error: Error) {}
protocol NearbyInteractionManagerDelegate: class {
func didUpdateNearbyObjects(objects: [NINearbyObject], token: NIDiscoveryToken)
Any update will be very helpful full
Thank you
Hello All,
Does anyone face issue getting trigger Geofence event or Significant Location update event is suspended and background state in IOS 15,
I am facing an issue where the feature works most of the time and some time geofence and location updates do not trigger any callbacks, for making it work again I need to start the application and put it back to a background/suspended state
And the permission for access in the background is also "Always"
Hello All,
Does anyone face issues getting trigger Geofence event or Significant Location update event is suspended and background state,
I am facing an issue where the feature works most of the time and some time geofence and location updates do not trigger any callbacks, Sometimes I am getting triggered after 11 or 12 minutes later, most of the time, I get location updates in 2 or 3 minutes, for making it work again I need to start the application and put it back to a background/suspended state
And the permission for access in the background is also "Always"
Is there any way to access Motion Sensors (CMMotionActivityManager) when the application is in a Suspended state
I am able to access sensor updates when I use from Location Service With startUpdateLocation, but this solution comes with bad battery performance
Is there any way to access it with the startMonitoringSignificantLocation() service, this location service is not consuming more battery
Or is there any other way to access the sensor update while application in suspended state
Thank you