Worked for me as well! Fixed in both Spotlight and Apple apps. Is this specifically a Mobile Admin account issue?
Update: also have to do "su " on login as well, even if I don't reboot. Did adding to wheel help? I'm a little reluctant to do it since root is the only user in the group.
The problem resumed after a reboot.
Are you using a Mobile Admin account or a normal local account?
Broken again in 14.1.2.
Thanks! This seems to have definitively fixed the issue for me, and it explains the inconsistent behavior after Sonoma upgrades.
Actually, this doesn't seem to work—at least not permanently. And I got myself into a big mess by being unable to re-enable the secure token without the help of IT going through one of their accounts.
vkings: you need to do something like "sudo sysadminctl -secureTokenOff [username] -password -" to turn the secure token off. Do it from a local admin account. But be careful that you have a way to re-enable it!
Just a quick note: since the Sonoma 14.4 update, I've had to do this whenever the system reboots. Annoying, but better than before, when I was rebuilding the index through a local admin account every time I logged in.
Curious how this has been working for everyone else. It's been intermittent for me. Sometimes I don't need to toggle FileVault for weeks/months, and sometimes I need to do it every time I wake from sleep. Updates (like 14.5) seem to either fix things for me or make the problem worse.
I think this problem is widespread, and that most people either a) don't use spotlight or b) aren't stubborn enough to figure out a solution.