




Reply to Not Able to Build Some Versions of Python on M1 at 12.3.1
Using pyenv 2.25 from homebrew on Apple Silicon with macOS 12.3.1 (21E258) / Xcode 13.3 (13E113). For 3.6.15 you'll need this merged but unreleased pyenv patch: in /opt/homebrew/Cellar/pyenv/2.2.5/plugins/python-build/share/python-build/patches/3.6.15/Python-3.6.15/ For 3.7.12 you'll need this merged but unreleased pyenv patch: in /opt/homebrew/Cellar/pyenv/2.2.5/plugins/python-build/share/python-build/patches/3.7.12/Python-3.7.12/ 3.7.13 is unreleased and currently missing merged 3.7.12 patch. No issues with 3.8.13 build. pyenv versions * system (set by /Users/admin/.pyenv/version)  3.6.15  3.7.12  3.8.13
Apr ’22
Reply to PHP on Mac OS Monterey, M1 Macbook Pro
How are you building PHP? Homebrew, MacPorts or ? If Homebrew then you'll need to rebuild, codesign then update your apache config LoadModule with the new Homebrew path which changed for Apple Silicon (you might be trying to load an old Intel build from migrated Homebrew or Big Sur install) LoadModule php_module /opt/homebrew/lib/httpd/modules/ "Apple Development: Name (ID) You can check the architecture with lipo: lipo -archs /opt/homebrew/lib/httpd/modules/ arm64   Also check: (signing in a different folder)
Apr ’22
Reply to Safari on Monterey 12.3 not redrawing windows inside VM
Another data point for the Apple Paravirtualized Graphics framework issue if anyone from Apple is watching this thread. macOS Monterey 12.3.1 (21E258) booting macOS Big Sur 11.6.5 (20G527) VM panics at what appears to be the same point as host freezes / crashes with macOS Monterey 12.3.1 (21E258) VMs. panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7fb0b13591): "hitting assertion"@/System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/a0c6c82cc8/Library/Caches/ Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address 0xffffffb070cdaea0 : 0xffffff801608b26d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x3fd 0xffffffb070cdaef0 : 0xffffff80161d2993 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x143 0xffffffb070cdaf30 : 0xffffff80161c2f8a mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x55a 0xffffffb070cdaf80 : 0xffffff801602fa2f mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xff 0xffffffb070cdafa0 : 0xffffff801608aa8d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0xad 0xffffffb070cdb0c0 : 0xffffff801608ad83 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x273 0xffffffb070cdb130 : 0xffffff801689c5aa mach_kernel : _panic + 0x54 0xffffffb070cdb1a0 : 0xffffff7fb0b13591 : __ZNK27AppleParavirtVirtualChannel8hasFaultEv + 0xc1b 0xffffffb070cdb1c0 : 0xffffff7fb0b0d3b6 : __ZN24AppleParavirtDisplayPipe17submitTransactionEP30IOAccelDisplayPipeTransaction2 + 0x2d0 0xffffffb070cdb660 : 0xffffff7fb0e08bcd : __ZN18IOAccelDisplayPipe23transaction_queue_gatedEP30IOAccelDisplayPipeTransaction2 + 0x3b 0xffffffb070cdb680 : 0xffffff80167ef44f mach_kernel : __ZN13IOCommandGate9runActionEPFiP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ES2_S2_S2_S2_ + 0xaf 0xffffffb070cdb6e0 : 0xffffff7fb0e065f1 : __ZN18IOAccelDisplayPipe17wsaaWillExitDeferEi + 0x11d 0xffffffb070cdb750 : 0xffffff7fb0dcaadf : __ZN21IOAccelDisplayMachine20wsaa_will_exit_deferEji + 0x81 0xffffffb070cdb790 : 0xffffff7fb0e05576 : __ZN18IOAccelDisplayPipe22display_change_handlerEPvP13IOFramebufferiS0_ + 0x2ba 0xffffffb070cdb7d0 : 0xffffff7fb0f5df3a : __ZN13IOFramebuffer24deliverGroupNotificationEijbiPv + 0x354 0xffffffb070cdb910 : 0xffffff7fb0f48593 : __ZN13IOFramebuffer30deliverFramebufferNotificationEiPv + 0x193 0xffffffb070cdb9a0 : 0xffffff7fb0f5b0b2 : __ZN13IOFramebuffer16setWSAAAttributeEjj + 0x1fe 0xffffffb070cdba40 : 0xffffff7fb0f5be07 : __ZN13IOFramebuffer15extSetAttributeEP8OSObjectPvP25IOExternalMethodArguments + 0x153 0xffffffb070cdba80 : 0xffffff801681ce5e mach_kernel : __ZN12IOUserClient14externalMethodEjP25IOExternalMethodArgumentsP24IOExternalMethodDispatchP8OSObjectPv + 0x1de 0xffffffb070cdbad0 : 0xffffff7fb0f6233c : __ZN23IOFramebufferUserClient14externalMethodEjP25IOExternalMethodArgumentsP24IOExternalMethodDispatchP8OSObjectPv + 0x82 0xffffffb070cdbb20 : 0xffffff801682710b mach_kernel : _is_io_connect_method + 0x35b 0xffffffb070cdbc80 : 0xffffff801617e1d1 mach_kernel : _iokit_server_routine + 0x4dd1 0xffffffb070cdbd90 : 0xffffff80160908ed mach_kernel : _ipc_kobject_server + 0x2fd 0xffffffb070cdbe00 : 0xffffff8016066c35 mach_kernel : _ipc_kmsg_send + 0x115 0xffffffb070cdbe60 : 0xffffff801607e3e2 mach_kernel : _mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 0x2d2 0xffffffb070cdbef0 : 0xffffff80161a705d mach_kernel : _mach_call_munger64 + 0x29d 0xffffffb070cdbfa0 : 0xffffff8016030216 mach_kernel : _hndl_mach_scall64 + 0x16 Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[17732FC2-63ED-3059-B006-A492D276F99C]@0xffffff7fb0f3e000->0xffffff7fb0f6cfff dependency:[F9CEE803-CCD0-37F1-A06C-60062C48DEF2]@0xffffff8018b6b000->0xffffff8018b93fff[AAD58256-5E92-35A8-9659-A047C6C0C625]@0xffffff7fb0dbc000->0xffffff7fb0e26fff dependency:[31810E2C-FD94-31EC-8723-BA1B19DDF0A1]@0xffffff80176c0000->0xffffff80176d5fff dependency:[17732FC2-63ED-3059-B006-A492D276F99C]@0xffffff7fb0f3e000->0xffffff7fb0f6cfff dependency:[F9CEE803-CCD0-37F1-A06C-60062C48DEF2]@0xffffff8018b6b000->0xffffff8018b93fff dependency:[8C08A9E9-A5DA-340B-BFCB-3F5E82BDAF01]@0xffffff8018ba2000->0xffffff8018ba4fff dependency:[76A3E5D2-2AC7-385D-A16E-60B07D251DEE]@0xffffff8018c95000->0xffffff8018cb1fff[7EBA9206-F041-3CF8-ACFC-B3E234BB1C78]@0xffffff7fb0b02000->0xffffff7fb0b19fff dependency:[1151AFDA-B186-34D1-9675-D0901B34BE02]@0xffffff7faf750000->0xffffff7faf753fff dependency:[AAD58256-5E92-35A8-9659-A047C6C0C625]@0xffffff7fb0dbc000->0xffffff7fb0e26fff dependency:[17732FC2-63ED-3059-B006-A492D276F99C]@0xffffff7fb0f3e000->0xffffff7fb0f6cfff dependency:[F9CEE803-CCD0-37F1-A06C-60062C48DEF2]@0xffffff8018b6b000->0xffffff8018b93fff dependency:[76A3E5D2-2AC7-385D-A16E-60B07D251DEE]@0xffffff8018c95000->0xffffff8018cb1fff Process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer No FB as third party product. Can add one if needed.
Apr ’22
Reply to Symbolic links to root in Monterey
My symbolic links still work in Monterey. eg cat /etc/synthetic.conf srv System/Volumes/Data/srv Remember to use tabs. man synthetic.conf synthetic.conf specifies a single synthetic entity per line. Each line may have one or two columns, separated by a tab character. If a line has a single column, it denotes a virtual empty directory to be created at /. If a line has two columns, it denotes a symbolic link at / whose link target is given in the second column. Big Sur thread:
Mar ’22
Reply to Safari on Monterey 12.3 not redrawing windows inside VM
Probably best asked in the Parallels Mac OS X Guest OS Discussion forum where there are already some posts about 12.3 rendering issues. This appears to be another issue with Metal accelerated graphics when using the Parallels video adapter that you probably enabled to avoid the host freezes / crashes when using the Apple video adapter with the Paravirtualized Graphics framework. prlctl set vm --video-adapter-type parallels (rendering issues with Metal accelerated graphics) prlctl set vm --video-adapter-type apple (host freezes / crashes and sometimes full panics during VM boot with the Apple Paravirtualized Graphics framework) Hopefully Apple and Parallels are working on the Apple Paravirtualized Graphics framework issues. Also really hoping we see more improvements at WWDC to the Hypervisor and Virtualization frameworks for macOS on Apple Silicon.
Mar ’22
Reply to and python 3 on Apple Silicon
Try something like this (not a python expert so expecting comments): 1c1 < #! /usr/bin/python  --- > #! /usr/bin/python3 96c96 <   except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: --- >   except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: 110,111c110,111 <     req = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=open("/dev/null")) <   except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: --- >     req = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=open("/dev/null"), encoding="utf-8") >   except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: 122c122,123 <     info = plistlib.readPlist(infoPath) --- >     with open(infoPath, 'rb') as fp: >       info = plistlib.load(fp) 143,144c144,145 <     plistDump = subprocess.check_output(args) <   except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: --- >     plistDump = subprocess.check_output(args, encoding="utf-8") >   except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: 149a151 >  155c157 <     bytes = [] --- >     data = [] 163,164c165,167 <         bytes.append(int(hexStr, 16)) <     plist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(bytearray(bytes)) --- >         data.append(int(hexStr, 16)) >  >     plist = plistlib.loads(bytes(data)) 223c226 <   if not info.has_key("SMPrivilegedExecutables"): --- >   if "SMPrivilegedExecutables" not in info: 263c266 <     if not info.has_key("CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion") or info["CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion"] != "6.0": --- >     if "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion" not in info or info["CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion"] != "6.0": 266c269 <     if not info.has_key("CFBundleIdentifier") or info["CFBundleIdentifier"] != os.path.basename(toolPath): --- >     if "CFBundleIdentifier" not in info or info["CFBundleIdentifier"] != os.path.basename(toolPath): 269c272 <     if not info.has_key("SMAuthorizedClients"): --- >     if "SMAuthorizedClients" not in info: 289c292 <     if not launchd.has_key("Label") or launchd["Label"] != os.path.basename(toolPath): --- >     if "Label" not in launchd or launchd["Label"] != os.path.basename(toolPath): 355c358 <     if not toolInfo.has_key("CFBundleIdentifier"): --- >     if "CFBundleIdentifier" not in toolInfo: 358c361 <     if not isinstance(bundleID, basestring): --- >     if not isinstance(bundleID, str): 365c368 <   needsUpdate = not appInfo.has_key("SMPrivilegedExecutables") --- >   needsUpdate = "SMPrivilegedExecutables" not in appInfo 370,371c373,374 <     appToolDictSorted = sorted(appToolDict.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) <     oldAppToolDictSorted = sorted(oldAppToolDict.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) --- >     appToolDictSorted = sorted(appToolDict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) >     oldAppToolDictSorted = sorted(oldAppToolDict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) 376,377c379,381 <     plistlib.writePlist(appInfo, appInfoPlistPath) <     print >> sys.stdout, "%s: updated" % appInfoPlistPath --- >     with open(appInfoPlistPath, 'wb') as fp: >       plistlib.dump(appInfo, fp) >     print ("%s: updated" % appInfoPlistPath, file = sys.stdout) 385c389 <     needsUpdate = not toolInfo.has_key("SMAuthorizedClients") --- >     needsUpdate = "SMAuthorizedClients" not in toolInfo 396c400 <       print >> sys.stdout, "%s: updated" % toolInfoPlistPath --- >       print("%s: updated" % toolInfoPlistPath, file = sys.stdout) 425c429 <   except CheckException, e: --- >   except CheckException as e: 427c431 <       print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), e.message) --- >       print("%s: %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), e.message), file = sys.stderr) 432c436 <       print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (path, e.message) --- >       print("%s: %s" % (path, e.message), file = sys.stderr) 434,436c438,440 <   except UsageException, e: <     print >> sys.stderr, "usage: %s check /path/to/app" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) <     print >> sys.stderr, "    %s setreq /path/to/app /path/to/app/Info.plist /path/to/tool/Info.plist..." % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) --- >   except UsageException as e: >     print("usage: %s check /path/to/app" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), file = sys.stderr) >     print("    %s setreq /path/to/app /path/to/app/Info.plist /path/to/tool/Info.plist..." % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), file = sys.stderr)
Jan ’22
Reply to Apache/Tomcat install on Monterey on M1 MacBookPro, and code signing
Try signing in a different location like ~/Downloads/ then copy back to /usr/local/libexec/apache2/ codesign --verbose --sign "Apple Development: A. Malcolm Warren (FV8Y5HRUQ8)" ~/Downloads/ Then update your apache config to include an authority on LoadModule: LoadModule /usr/local/libexec/apache2/ "Apple Development: A. Malcolm Warren (FV8Y5HRUQ8)" sudo apachectl configtest should then show something like: AH06662: Allowing module loading process to continue for module at /usr/local/libexec/apache2/ because module signature matches authority "Apple Development: A. Malcolm Warren (FV8Y5HRUQ8)" specified in LoadModule directive
Jan ’22