




Reply to Emojis are not properly rendered in accented widgets on iOS 18
Thanks, Gong, for sharing this workaround, it was very helpful! It inspired me to create a slightly simpler solution without having to convert the emoji to an image. The key is the .luminanceToAlpha() modifier. Additionally I had to add a black background, otherwise the edge was jagged. But the background is transparent in the end result. Text("😄") .background( .compositingGroup() .luminanceToAlpha()
Aug ’24
Reply to Conditionally Migrate WatchOS 10 users ONLY to WidgetKit
I was dealing with the same problem but in my case the cause was somewhere else. Besides adding the widget extension, I also migrated to a single watchOS project target (there was a separate WatchKit extension before Xcode 14) and that caused the problem. The problem is described here When I tried it without migrating to a single target, complications stayed untouched and worked correctly after updating the app on watchOS 9 and were successfully migrated on watchOS 10.
Aug ’23