struct ModelContainerSetup {
static let shared = ModelContainerSetup()
private static let containerIdentifier = "iCloud.Journal"
func setupModelContainer() -> ModelContainer {
let schema = Schema([User.self])
let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(
schema: schema,
isStoredInMemoryOnly: false,
cloudKitDatabase: .private(Self.containerIdentifier)
do {
return try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration])
} catch {
fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)")
**Expected Behavior:
When CloudKit storage is full, the app should continue functioning with local storage
Data should persist locally even if cloud sync fails
Sync should resume when storage becomes available
**Actual Behavior:
ModelContainer initialization fails completely
Local data also stops getting saved
iOS 17.0+
Private CloudKit database
Ideal Behaviour:
When iCloud fails, the data should still be saved locally. I do not want to have two different containers so that I can maintain data consistency.