




iOS 18 Control Widget Button won't open app
XCode Version 16.0 (16A242d) iPhone 12 - iOS 18 (22A3354) Macbook Air M1 - Sonoma 14.6.1 I am currently working on building Control Buttons for our app and I have consistently run into the same issue: Unknown NSError The operation couldn’t be completed. (LNActionExecutorErrorDomain error 2018.) This error can be found in the following posts: Apple Developer Forums - Post 1 Apple Developer Forums - Post 2 Apple Developer Forums - Post 3 StackOverflow - Post 4 Github - Post 5 I've tried every single solution recommended within these posts, however nothing has worked successfully so far. Additionally, I've tried the using .widgetUrl() on the Label() within the ControlWidgetButton like so: ControlWidgetButton(action: JournalControlIntent()) { Label("Open App", systemImage: "pencil.line") .widgetURL(URL(string: "app://control/page")) } But this did not work either. Using the recommended approach to open the app as seen here: simply won't work since we have a Flutter app with deep linking setup. Meaning the only option is launching either a deep link or universal link. Our URL scheme is setup correctly since it's currently working for our iOS Widgets & Shortcuts(which use widgetURL & openURL). In Post 3, the accepted answer mentions that the control file must have the Target Membership with the App and Widget Targets to work. When I try using this solution the build fails without any errors(until you run it in VSCode where there are many errors about Derived Data - Deleting the derived data doesn't fix this error) I'm wondering if I have added the Control Widget to the incorrect folder within my XCode project? Since if you use the approach of creating a Control through XCode(File > New > Target > Widget Extension > "Include Control" > Next) it creates a top level directory in the project similar to a Stickers or Watch extension. My Control Widgets currently reside in the [App] Widgets > Control Buttons > Control Button.swift. It's then added to my main widget definition(App Widget > App_Widget.swift): @main struct App_Widget: WidgetBundle { var body: some Widget { App_Widget() // works App_Widget_One() // works if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 18.0, *) { ControlButtonOne() // does not open app ControlButtonTwo() // does not open app } } } Thank you for your help and time!
Sep ’24