The good news is on iOS 18.2 it started working as expected. @arthurfromberlin @JaumeCalm
we can access to AVCaptureDevice with new API Introduced
if let device = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.configurableCaptureDeviceForPrimaryCamera {
do {
try device.lockForConfiguration()
// configure AVCaptureDevice settings
} catch {
// error handling
For more please checkout WWDC22 at 12:35
One of the working solution for running Xcode 14 on Sonoma
@NavidF If we use @Environment AppDataModel.... AppDataModel need to adopt @Observable macro and I believe @Observable macro is not working with Xcode 15 beta 5.
Yes even their sample app of Observable having this issue (in Beta 5) so looks like we need to wait until they fixed it.
/// In order for the interface to appear, both isPresented must be true
/// and document must not be nil. When the operation is finished,
/// isPresented will be set to false before onCompletion is called.
/// If the user cancels the operation, isPresented will be set to false and onCompletion will not be called.
`public func fileExporter<D>(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, document: D?, contentType: UTType, defaultFilename: String? = nil, onCompletion: @escaping (_ result: Result<URL, Error>) -> Void) -> some View where D : FileDocument`
So we can observe change of isPresented Binding
.onChange(of: DownloadManager.isShowingFileExporterForZip, perform: { newValue in
// If the user cancels the operation, `isPresented` will be set to `false`
if newValue == false {
DownloadManager.exportableZipDocument = nil
Yes there is API
videoCaptureDevice.videoZoomFactor = videoZoomFactor
videoCaptureDevice.setPrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior(.locked, restrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions: [])
We can now test refund in sandbox and also expecting to receive notification on refund cycle of consumable in-app purchase here is video for reference.
You can check this video this is in-depth explanation of core motion and sensor fusion algorithm this might help.[]