I created a bug report with id FB7690432.It seems to happen when the audio plugin returns nil for the property parameterTree. Accessing the property directly on the AUAudioUnitworks fine, whereas calling AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo with the property kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList causes the crash.
We had the same error some hours ago, now it changed to
Unable to process validateAssets request at this time due to a general error (1017)
Hi, has anyone had any luck with this? I have the exact same problem.
I tried fetching the archive from the Xcode Cloud build artifacts, replace the "Frameworks" directory with one from a local build, tried the validation from the Xcode Organizer and it worked.
I also opened the framework binaries with an hex editor, and those built with Xcode Cloud have those bogus identifiers (which btw all begin with 55554944), whereas the ones built locally have my Team ID.
I have absolutely no idea how to change this when building from Xcode Cloud, but maybe it's a hint?