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I'm experimenting with full-disk access to my app and can't make it working. Here is list of steps I did:Sandbox is turned ON. In fact the entitlements file looks like:<key></key><true/><key></key><true/>I created archive of the app and tried to distribute it using boths Developer ID or Development methodsI placed the binary of my app to /Applications folderI went to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Full Disk Access and added access to my app in /Applications folderOf course I'm NOT attached to the app with XcodeI'm testing it in Xcode 11 and on Catalina. It's dummy app, opening NSOpenPanel to let user select archives to decompress and tries to decompress it in the same directory using libarchive framework. Any hints? Am I doing anything wrong?
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I'm experiencing problems (on Mojave and Catalina) with "reusing" security scope URL bookmark for a folder between app launches in my app.It's simple decompressing application using libarchive framework. User selects file to decompress, I want to store URL bookmark for it's parent folder (e.g. ~/Desktop), and reuse it next time user tries to decompress file in the same folder.First, I added following to my app's entitlements file:<key></key><true/><key></key><true/><key></key><true/>When accessing file (parent folder respectively) for the first time:1. User selects file to decompress2. I present NSOpenPanel to obtain access to the file folder:let directoryURL = fileURL.deletingLastPathComponent() let openPanel = NSOpenPanel() openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false openPanel.canChooseDirectories = true openPanel.canCreateDirectories = false openPanel.canChooseFiles = false openPanel.prompt = "Grant Access" openPanel.directoryURL = directoryURL openPanel.begin { [weak self] result in guard let self = self else { return } // WARNING: It's absolutely necessary to access NSOpenPanel.url property to get access guard result == .OK, let url = openPanel.url else { // HANDLE ERROR HERE ... return } // We got URL and need to store bookmark's data // ... }3. I obtain bookmark data of folder URL and store it to keyed archive:let data = try url.bookmarkData(options: .withSecurityScope, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil) bookmarks[url] = data NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(bookmarks, toFile: bookmarksPath)4. Now I start using file URL and use libarchive to decompress .zip file to it's parent folder:fileURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() // Decompressing file with libarchive... fileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource()5. Everything is working as expected, .zip file gets decompressedWhen relaunching app, decompressing file in the same folder, reusing saved bookmark data:1. I get bookmarks from keyed archive:let bookmarks = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(withFile: bookmarksPath) as? [URL: Data]2. I get bookmark data from bookmarks for the file's parent folder and resolve it:let directoryURL = fileURL.deletingLastPathComponent() let data = bookmarks[directoryURL]! var isStale = false let newURL = try URL(resolvingBookmarkData: data, options: .withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &isStale)3. Now again I start using file URL and use libarchive to decompress .zip file to it's parent folder:fileURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() // Decompressing file with libarchive... fileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource()But this time libarchive returns error sayingFailed to open \'/Users/martin/Desktop/\'I know I might be doing something terribly wrong or not understanding concept of security scoped URL bookmarks but can't find where's the problem. Any hints?I also tried to start accessing folderURL instead of fileURL but it keeps returning false and not working either:let success = folderURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
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I'm looking for a way how to detect click on NSWindow title bar using Accessibility.I've implemented observer to get clicks, I'm able to get clicked window, it's origin, size or role + subrole. But is there any way how to be sure I clicked on the title bar, the one used to drag windows?Thank you
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