After many days of searching, I finally found the solution. It might help someone at some point, because I could not find it anywhere in the documentation.So, if you create an annotation with a long press, in order for the user to click on it to see the callout, your JUST need to cancel the long press, to make way for other gestures...So here is the code in the selector:// The selector@objc func createNewAnnotation(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer) { let touchPoint = sender.location(in: self.mapView) let coordinates = mapView.convert(touchPoint, toCoordinateFrom: self.mapView) let heldPoint = MKPointAnnotation() heldPoint.coordinate = coordinates if (sender.state == .began) { heldPoint.title = "Set Point" heldPoint.subtitle = String(format: "%.4f", coordinates.latitude) + "," + String(format: "%.4f", coordinates.longitude) mapView.addAnnotation(heldPoint) } // Cancel the long press to make way for the next gesture sender.state = .cancelled }This little line made all the difference!
Yes, still is kinda sloppy. I wonder if Apple is going to fix it at any point in the future. It would be great.
Oh, and I should note that this only happens when the phone language is Spanish! If I revert to English, everything works as it should, even on iPhone 13 mini. Thank you for any help you can give me, this is holding up my development...thank you!
Well, it is now working, though I have no idea why it suddenly works.
A possible guess is that the app scheme had changed to "Release" at some point, and XCode testing doesn't work with a release version. This is all possible. If I can confirm it I will add a comment for those who encounter this problem.
I see this was posted 2 years ago by Bazinga15, and followed up by nexuindustries.
I am having the same exact problem, but I cannot find a solution listed anywhere, or true indication on how to debug an app that has been downloaded from the App Store. The Organizer doesn't show any crashes, and neither do the analytics on AppConnect.
It has to be related to my In App Purchase, but I can't figure out how...anybody with any insight or recommendation, please help.
Apple Developer Support has been contacted, but so far has not replied :(
Happening to me as well on XCode 16.1
Any simulator running iOS 15 is not responsive to touch.
I do not have a device to try it on, and I don't know if the same thing happens on a real device.
I do get a series of Compiler error: Invalid library file in the console, but I have no idea what file it is :(
Is it a known issue??