




Reply to App Crashing on launch only when downloaded from App store but works fine on Test Flight
I see this was posted 2 years ago by Bazinga15, and followed up by nexuindustries. I am having the same exact problem, but I cannot find a solution listed anywhere, or true indication on how to debug an app that has been downloaded from the App Store. The Organizer doesn't show any crashes, and neither do the analytics on AppConnect. It has to be related to my In App Purchase, but I can't figure out how...anybody with any insight or recommendation, please help. Apple Developer Support has been contacted, but so far has not replied :(
May ’23
Reply to Creating an annotation with longpress, suppresses tap handling for the map
After many days of searching, I finally found the solution. It might help someone at some point, because I could not find it anywhere in the documentation.So, if you create an annotation with a long press, in order for the user to click on it to see the callout, your JUST need to cancel the long press, to make way for other gestures...So here is the code in the selector:// The selector@objc func createNewAnnotation(_ sender: UIGestureRecognizer) { let touchPoint = sender.location(in: self.mapView) let coordinates = mapView.convert(touchPoint, toCoordinateFrom: self.mapView) let heldPoint = MKPointAnnotation() heldPoint.coordinate = coordinates if (sender.state == .began) { heldPoint.title = "Set Point" heldPoint.subtitle = String(format: "%.4f", coordinates.latitude) + "," + String(format: "%.4f", coordinates.longitude) mapView.addAnnotation(heldPoint) } // Cancel the long press to make way for the next gesture sender.state = .cancelled }This little line made all the difference!
May ’20