




iCloud deleted all my Desktop and Documents files
So I updated a machine with a bunch of files on the Desktop and in the Documents folder, and when I upgraded it asked me if I wanted to store these folders on iCloud as well. I hit YES and it began trying to upload everything. Now, I guess I had a large file in one of the folders because the total upload was almost 9GB (i have 200GB of available iCloud space). It failed the upload and has just been stuck on 57kb of 8.89GB uploaded for over a day. I've tried restarting and it hasn't moved. I haven't found a way to quit it either. This has been making my machine incredibly slow and has caused the fans to speed up like crazy. Anytime I try to access an Open or Save dialog, the app I'm using crashes, whether it's Preview, Xcode, Photoshop, or even Safari. So I went to the iCloud system preferences and unchecked the "Desktop and Documents" item. I figured it wouldn't delete things that were still locally saved on my disk. But I was wrong and now every single file on both my Desktop and in my Documents is gone. Not in the trash, nowhere to be found. Gone.Can any one help me with this? Has anyone experienced something similar? The iCloud upload is still there and still isn't progressing at all (not sure what its trying to upload anyways since the files were all deleted). My computer is unusable and my files are all gone. I have a Time Machine backup from last week, but I will not have access to for almost 2 more weeks so if there's a way to recover my files sooner and kill this upload task, that would be amazing.Thanks.
Jun ’16