




Reply to Adjust Map zoom level according to speed
My previous attempt with MapCameraBounds() was not the correct one. There are at least two conflicting ways to set camera position. @State private var position: MapCameraPosition = .userLocation(followsHeading: true, fallback: .automatic) @State private var position: MapCameraPosition = .region(region: MKCoordinateRegion) The first one gives me user location and heading, the second one lets me specify region and zoom in/out (with animation). I've added MapUserLocationButton() to show user location/heading but its turned off as soon as MKCoordinateRegion updates. How do I combine these to get both effects? Thanks
Jul ’23
Reply to Adjust Map zoom level according to speed
I've found that using MapCameraBounds adjusts zoom level mapCameraBounds = MapCameraBounds(minimumDistance: minimumDistance, maximumDistance: maximumDistance) I now want to make the changes smooth and have thought of using .onChange(of:) and withAnimation, as follows: .onChange(of: locationManager.currentLocation?.speed) { oldValue, newValue in withAnimation(.spring(duration: 1.0)) { let speed = newValue ?? 0.0 if speed > 20 { minimumDistance = 5000.0 maximumDistance = 10000.0 } else { minimumDistance = 1000.0 maximumDistance = 2000.0 } mapCameraBounds = MapCameraBounds(minimumDistance: newValue, maximumDistance: maximumDistance) } } Map(position: $position, bounds: mapCameraBounds) But that doesn't work, zoom changes are not animated. Is there a proper way of doing this?
Jul ’23