normally each opened web page within Safari (14.1) use a low amount of memory (around 50-60Mb). With time, it may happen that each page use up to 1Gb or more. As suggested as a fix in a video several years back (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuemMEM0pnM), you may need to clean up some safari files, in particular:
the Safari folder in the Library folder (~/Library),
the com.apple.safari in ~/Library/Containers.
To be safe, do the following:
close Safari,
move the ~/Library/Safari to the Desktop (e.g. ~/Desktop/Library/Safari)
move the ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.safari to the Desktop (e.g. ~/Desktop/Library/Containers/com.apple.safari)
reopen Safari
move back your bookmarks (e.g. ~/Desktop/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist) to the ~/Library/Safari folder
You can check in Activity Monitor that Safari and the Safari Web Content items use a reasonably low memory.