Hi! I am creating a document based app and I am wondering how can I save images in my model and integrate them in the document file.
"Image" does not conform to "Persistence model" and I am sure that "Data" will be saved in the document file.
Any clue on how can I do it? Many thanks.
I'm creating a document based app using DocumentGroup. I want to make persistent a set of variables that represent a certain setup of the document.
I have followed the example in https://developers.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10154. If I want to implement a set of variables that define for instance the color background of a set of flashcards. How can I do it?
I cannot use @Query because these set of variables is not an array. I cannot use userDefaults either because I want this set of variables to be bonded to the document and not to my application.
Thank you very much for the help!