




Dismissing animation of the "Sign in with apple" modal view is broken on iOS 15.1
When closing the "Sign in with apple" modal view on a real device on iOS15.1, the modal view jumps to the center of the screen then animate to the bottom and disappears. But the dismissal animation is correct on the simulator. I tested other apps with "Sign in with apple", they have the same issue. How can I fix the animation? import SwiftUI import AuthenticationServices struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { SignInWithAppleButton(.signIn, onRequest: signInWithAppleOnRequest, onCompletion: signInWithAppleOnComplete ) } .ignoresSafeArea(.all) } // MARK: Sign in with Apple on request func signInWithAppleOnRequest(request: ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest) { request.requestedScopes = [.fullName, .email] } // MARK: Sign in with Apple on complete func signInWithAppleOnComplete(result: Result<ASAuthorization, Error>) { } }
Oct ’21
Sign In with Apple: Sign Up Not Completed
Recently I've implemented Sign In with Apple in my IOS app. For testing, I sign in, sign out many times in a day. It works as expected mostly. But I found sometimes when I try to sign in, after verifying with Face ID or Touch ID, it may show a "Sign Up Not Completed" error, then an alert "Could Not Connect: Make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi or your cellular network." shows up. I'm sure that the internet connection is fine, I can download other apps from AppStore via Wi-Fi or 4G at that time. But when I try Sign In with Apple in these apps, they show the same error. But the system status page is always shown Sign In with Apple is available. This situation usually does not last 10 minutes. When Sign In with Apple is an app works, other apps, and my app work. This happens up to three times a day. How can I solve this issue? How the make sure it works every time?
Aug ’21