Unfortunately, no. You can only associate ONE app clip with each app.
The best way to workaround this is to make an App Clip that will present two different activities based on the incoming invocation URL.
Hi matthew161,
No, it will stay received. You can now run your try to invoke using QR codes or Smart-App-Banner
I haven't seen the Exxon App Clip NFC tag myself, but you can place an App Clip in any NFC tag.
Just make sure the NFC tag resolves to a URL you defined as an App Clip Advanced Experience in the App Store Connect.
If you referring to a specific tag Apple issues, then only Apple can answer
URLSession with background activity cannot be performed in App Clip, as described in this doc - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/app_clips/choosing_the_right_functionality_for_your_app_clip. I quote:
To preserve resources and help to protect user privacy, App Clips can’t perform background activity. For example, App Clip’s can’t make use of the following: Background networking with URLSession
Further it implies that you can perform network calls, but without background activity:
App Clips provide an in-the-moment experience and focus on offering the quickest possible solution to an everyday task, so some functionality works best in your full app. Reserve the following functionality for the full app: Advanced networking features like Bonjour and low-level networking APIs like CFSocket, or POSIX functions; instead, use URLSession or the Network framework.
I hope this helps
Can you please post the URLs you are using for App Clips Safari Banner and QR code
I'm sorry, but from my Safari (device v14.2) I don't see an App Clip banner going to that site.
Is it published? Else, it won't show up
@Againwithanaccount, @camji55 ,
Can you pls share more details and even a live example if you have one: The target site with app-clip smart banner
The actual link that you are sharing (if different than above)
Your associated domains - although I understand that Safari works, so I guess it is fine
Unlike Safari, in QR code you need to make sure to give the full URL:
I tested it now, and it works great. Very nice implementation. Kudos
Oops, you are correct. I referenced the wrong. Here it is - https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/664979.
The title is Is SFSpeechRecognizer supported on App Clips ?
This is what they claim there:
This is weird as Microphone usage and audio recording in general works great on App Clips. I'm not sure about the default access, but App Clip doesn't prompt users for permission. It is listed in the App Clip Card, and the user can limit it there.
I hope this is more helpful
Hi everyone,
You are welcome to check out www .appsflyer.com/blog/apple-app-clips-solution/.
I'd love to hear your feedback
Hi @fukybro,
Basically you are correct. There is NO WAY for a non-developer to test the full App Clip life cycle, when the app is not published yet.
Test invoking an App Clip via a QR code or NFC tag - only a developer can do through local experiences while connected to Xcode dev environment
Observe an App Clip Card of an App Clip under development - only a developer can do through local experiences while connected to Xcode dev environment
Test the behaviour of an App Clip invocation on the full app - not sure what this is. Do you mean using an invocation (e.g. scanning a QR code) while the parent app is already installed? This is a good question actually, never tested. But I believe the answer is still no.
According to this recent answer - https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/66497 App Clip has microphone access.
Hi Alex,
I'm afraid there are three negatives in my answer:
The appclips section in the AASA file can only include apps array. You cannot add any details like you do in Universal Link.
The URL matching referes only to path, without the query params. So adding it to the invocation URL will not have effect.
There is not exclude in invocations URL.
Looks like your only option is to whitelist only the relevant link as separate invocation URLs.
Sorry I couldn't assist positively. Maybe another user has an idea
Hi Rahim,
You can check out AppsFlyer Sample App for a reference. It will give you an idea about the app part.
https:// github.com/AppsFlyerSDK/appsflyer-apple-app-clips-sample-app
You'll need though to create the Advanced App Clip experiences yourself.
You can learn more in our guide here: www .appsflyer.com/resources/others/apple-app-clips/
I can confirm that once app is published in the app store, the iOS native Camera app will show an App Clip banner once an invocation URL is scanned, which matches an Advanced App Clip experience in App Store Connect.