




Reply to declarativeNetRequest does not always work
THIS POST IS A DUPLICATE AND CAN BE DELETED (the original post was unlocked and I was finally able to reply to it). Furthermore, this issue is somewhat fixed (I can get them to work in Gmail) but I found a new issue: DNR doesn't match against anything in the location.hash on a URL. More details in the original post:
Nov ’23
Reply to declarativeNetRequest does not work in Gmail
Update after some more testing. Good news: I CAN now block images in Gmail. Bad news: I CAN NOT block images based on anything in the path after a "#" in Safari (where as I can in other browsers) So if this is the url for the image I want to block: This rule WILL work: { "id": 1, "priority": 1, "action": { "type": "block" }, "condition": {"regexFilter": "gHU4xG2VeSnDGYzSz5X", "resourceTypes": [ "image" ] } }, This rule will NOT work: { "id": 1, "priority": 1, "action": { "type": "block" }, "condition": {"regexFilter": "track", "resourceTypes": [ "image" ] } },
Nov ’23