Hello, I'm using the generator to create a client from this API:
Everything seems fine until I go to call a method. I get an error on a DateTime format mismatch in the response.
Client error - cause description: 'Unknown', underlying error: DecodingError: dataCorrupted - at : Expected date string to be ISO8601-formatted. (underlying error: <nil>),
Is there a decoder option or something I can attach to the generated client code to adjust for this?
I have a List view that populates from a REST API (listApiKeys() calls out to server). The response is decoded and stored in a swiftdata model. It looks like this:
NavigationStack(path: $path) {
List {
ForEach(keys) { key in
NavigationLink(value: key) {
.navigationDestination(for: GtApiKey.self) { key in
EditApiKeyView(apiKey: key, navigationPath: $path)
.refreshable {
try? modelContext.delete(model: GtApiKey.self)
await listApiKeys()
.toolbar {
Button("Create Key", systemImage: "plus", action: createKey)
.navigationTitle("test apikeys")
.task {
await listApiKeys()
This all works fine and SwiftData stores everything great. If I click into a single object's edit view, everything works great as well. My question is how do I sync changes to the SwiftData entry back to the server. My edit view uses a @Bindable and any changes auto-sync to SwiftData (expected). But, I can't seem to figure out where to catch those events or prevent them before I can send the PUT call to the REST API.
This seems like a pretty basic pattern. But all the docs / tutorials load data then only change locally. I couldn't find one that get in sync w/ a server side API.
Thanks in advance!