HI, I'm trying to sending consumption_request for denying refund.
But, I don't know how to get "customerConsented" for ConsumptionRequest
If a customer requests a refund here(https://reportaproblem.apple.com/),
how can I get customerConsented?
If a customer requests a refund here(https://reportaproblem.apple.com/), can't we get that information(customerConsented)?
Hi. we are preparing to send consumption information.
but we could not get the "appAccountToken" from Notifications.
So, we are trying to send consumption information without "appAccountToken".
Is it okay to send consumption information with "appAccountToken":"" ?
HI, Recently, We got some "REFUND" notifications without "CONSUMPTION_REQUEST".
And, We request "Get Notification History" But there are no "CONSUMPTION_REQUEST"
In what cases does this happen?
Recently, We changed Notifications end point. (V1 -> V2)
After changing notifications v2
We received "REFUND_DECLINED" notifications
But, we didn't do anything about refund.
Also, we didn't send consumption information.
Below is description of "REFUND_DECLINED"
Indicates that the App Store declined a refund request initiated by the app developer.
Can I know when we are getting this notification?
We are preparing "send consumption information".
However, there are many items and it is difficult to organize.
What are the important factors influencing the refund decision?
I'd like to know more about how it works.