It's been 5 years, and looks like things changed. As of today /Applications/ is just a trampoline to execute /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/Versions/A/Resources/bin/simctl that to my surprise does not need security scoped bookmark to launch. Sandboxed app runs simctl "just like that". That something I didn't expect.
I have the same issue (Xcode 15 beta 7). It's annoying to the extend that even though USB cable is connected, but WiFi is disabled, it won't even connect.
NSTextContentStorage provides textStorage property. NSTextContentStorage is already specialized implementation that uses NSTextStorage as its storage.
how can I link multiple NSTextContentStorage to the same NSTextStorage?
you don't.
usageBoundsForTextContainer value changes, but the KVO notification does't work at all. I reported it FB13291926 last year.
There is another call textLayoutManager.ensureLayout(for: NSTextRange(location: textLayoutManager.documentRange.endLocation)) that sounds like it should perform the layout for the whole document - but it's not.
On that note usageBoundsForTextContainer is KVO observerable, but the updates are not published at all, that (FB13291926)
Layout information on textViewportLayoutController is up-to-date at the point of this call
either documentation of the textViewportLayoutControllerDidLayout is not accurate or there is a bug. I observed the same behavior.
I was not able to reproduce the issue with macOS 15 beta 7. It remains broken on macOS 14 (and 14 only)