




Reply to AX88179 Drivers for Big Sur 11.0
Hi, You need check developer ID (An example based on ASIX ELECTRONICS CORPORATION) Install driver and check if it exists kext in: /Library/Extensions/AX88179178A.kext In terminal: sudo su - (type your password) In terminal install kext: /usr/sbin/spctl -a -vv -t install /Library/Extensions/AX88179178A.kext  You see: /Library/Extensions/AX88179_178A.kext: accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID Application: ASIX ELECTRONICS CORPORATION (5RHFAZ9D4P) 3. Next boot MacBook in recovery mode 4. In Terminal add developer ID: /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add 5RHFAZ9D4P 5. Start MacOs X and accept pop up in system preferences/security and privacy. 6. In terminal check added developer ID: /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent list You see: Allowed Team Identifiers: 5RHFAZ9D4P 7. In terminal, check driver loaded: kextfind -report -b -loaded |grep com.asix.driver.ax88179-178a You see: com.asix.driver.ax88179-178a yes
Sep ’20