




"Can't find keyplane that supports type 8 for keyboard"?
When I first began trying to build my app, I set the device to iPhone 11. I ran the app several times in the simulator and it worked just fine. But after two days, I began to get an error (listed below) and finally my textfield wouldn't allow me to type in text at all.At first I set the keyboard for the textfield to Decimal Pad and it worked fine the first four or fives times that I ran it; but soon, I began to get the below error and finally I couldn't enter any text into the field anymore (even using my own keyboard):Can't find keyplane that supports type 8 for keyboard iPhone-PortraitChoco-DecimalPad; using 25727_PortraitChoco_iPhone-Simple-Pad_DefaultI changed the keyboard to Number Pad and now I'm getting the below error:Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-PortraitChoco-NumberPad; using 25686_PortraitChoco_iPhone-Simple-Pad_DefaultCould someone please let me know why this is happening? I'm in Xcode 11.2.1 if that's of any help. Please help. Thank you.
Dec ’19
Button Images not Fitting in Landscape Mode despite Aspect Fit content mode.
I have two View Controllers with buttons. The first View Controller has no stack views. The second View Controller has stack views. When I change the size or orientation (to landscape) of my SECOND View Controller, everything works fine as i used Aspect Fit for each button. However, when I change the size or orientation (to landscape) of my FIRST View Controller, the buttons do not adjust their size or position on the screen to match the landscape mode. I've tried Aspect Fit with each button in this FIRST View Controller, but it does not do anything. The problem remains the same. I also tried imageView.contentMode Number 1 in the User Defined Runtime Attributes. Yet the problem remains the same. Is there a way to fix this problem with the FIRST View Controller? I am including images to show my the settings, and how these images appear in both portrait mode and landscape mode. I was advised by the school mentor to use a Scroll View which seems wrong. A user should never have to scroll down to click a single button. (The First View Controller has only two buttons on the screen and a text label that says "Tap to Record", that's it.) Is there a way to fix this problem with the FIRST View Controller? Portrait Mode Screenshot: tiny url [dot] com [forward slash] y493hztx Landscape Mode Screenshot (Which shows the problem in the first View Controller's buttons not resizing to fit the smaller screensize): tiny url [dot] com [forward slash] y4xc9g34
Aug ’20