




Comment on App keeps on getting rejected and my responses seems to be ignored
Thanks a lot for the answer, I really appreciate that! So my app is fitness & motivation app where beside things like step counting there is one feature where you can search for a gym nearby when you go for a workout When user checks in I start background location tracking to make sure he is in sports facility and to stop the training counting when he leaves the gym. When that happens i stop all location services and count time user was in a gym. Seems to be quite valid, what do you think?
Nov ’22
Comment on App keeps on getting rejected and my responses seems to be ignored
Thanks a lot for the answer, I really appreciate that! So my app is fitness & motivation app where beside things like step counting there is one feature where you can search for a gym nearby when you go for a workout When user checks in I start background location tracking to make sure he is in sports facility and to stop the training counting when he leaves the gym When that happens i stop all location services and count time user was in a gym. Seems to be quite valid, what do you think?
Nov ’22
Comment on App keeps on getting rejected and my responses seems to be ignored
Thanks a lot for the answer, I really appreciate that! So my app is fitness & motivation app where beside things like step counting there is one feature where you can search for a gym nearby when you go for a workout When user checks in I start background location tracking to make sure he is in sports facility and to stop the training counting when he leaves the gym When that happens i stop all location services and count time user was in a gym. Seems to be quite valid, what do you think?
Nov ’22