




Reply to Tensorflow-Metal TFLite Inference orders of magnitude slower than regular Tensorflow
It sounds like the issue is related to what is posted on this page: CPU performance is faster than GPU on your network. Find out if your workload is sufficient to take advantage of the GPU. On small networks running with small batch sizes, the CPU may perform faster overall due to the overhead related to dispatching computations to the GPU. This will get amortized when the batch or model sizes grow, since the GPU can then take better advantage of the parallelism in performing the computations.
Apr ’24
Reply to iOS 15 Safari WebRTC Issue
I've experienced the issue where streams aren't starting w/ Safari 15x (both Mac and iOS), and discovered that it seems to fix itself (in my project, at least) if stopping the outgoing stream (per audio / video kind), then restarting the stream (i.e. making a new gUM [getUserMedia] call). The "restart" method I just mentioned seems to also work if choosing an entirely different capture device, of the same audio / video kind, on the second attempt. i.e. first microphone capture fails for one device, starting another device works. Even stranger, for me, is my project is based in React, and I've worked around this w/o doing the restart method in development mode, but in production, it is persistent, and for the life of me I can't figure out what's changed.
Jan ’22