




Reply to How to make root volume writeable in Big Sur?
Guys. I have bad news. DON'T follow the tutorial!!! Don't do "csrutil authenticated-root disable"!!! Never ever! Else you will also break your system like I and many others did. I hate my life. So if you fellas don't want to break your macbook (you lose your major security gates), buy a new monitor and forget about the old one. If you decide to use Apple (well, I didn't decide it since I was forced), then you decide to waste a ton of money. So if you also have monitor problem, either you buy a new monitor, or you switch your OS back to windows. I really hate Apple for doing things like these. Thanks for wasting my money. Trust me: you really don’t want to do this in Big Sur. As explained above, in order to do this you have to break the seal on the System volume. You can’t then reseal it. Ever. Furthermore, users are reporting that before you can do that, you have to disable FileVault, and it doesn’t appear that you can re-enable that either. If you really want to do that, then the basic requirements are outlined above, but you’re out almost on your own in doing it, and will have lost two of your two major security protections. I wish you the very best of luck – you’ll need it! Howard.
Nov ’20
Reply to How to make root volume writeable in Big Sur?
@sh00tg0a1 I have the same problem!! After writing in the recovery terminal "csrutil authenticated-root enable" I am getting infinite endless reboots! After "csrutil authenticated-root disable" the macbook works again, but I still can't activate filevault! I urgently need FileVault, because I have previous company data on my MacBook and we MUST use FileVault for protecting the important data. This is really a pain in the a$$! Can someone tag an apple engineer into this thread? maybe he has an idea how we can make FileVault work again! It's really a shame that Apple forces us to do this radical step so that we can use our Monitors (I have a big one from LG) and then stabs us from behind. I'm really angry! @eskimo we need your help!
Nov ’20
Reply to How to make root volume writeable in Big Sur?
Hi guys after doing all this my monitor works now, thanks! But how to revert the steps you've stated here? I can't reactivate FileVault again... Disable FileVaultReboot into recovery mode and run:csrutil authenticated-root disableReboot back into MacOSFind your root mount's device - run mount and chop off the last s, e.g. if your root is /dev/disk1s2s3, you'll mount /dev/disk1s2Create a new directory, for example ~/mountRun sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs DISKPATH MOUNTPATH, using the values from aboveModify the files under the mounted directoryRun sudo bless --folder MOUNTPATH/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshotReboot your system, and the changes will take place How to revert these steps so that I can activate FileVault again? BTW: for people who still have trouble with these steps: you have to copy the order "Displays" from /System/Library to /Library , and then modify your display stuff there. For users who use another language than english. The path to your directory is still in english even if the Finder shows you another language like in my example German. My MOUNTPATH was /Users/juri/mount Mind the big letters! Very important!
Nov ’20