I have an encrypted dmg file containing a secret file.
When a user want's to see the secret, he must mount the dmg and provide password.
When the dmg is mounted, every user connected to the computer can see the secret file ! And i don't want this.
Is there a way to open a dmg file with swift language, without mounting it ?
I am trying to simulate a keystroke inside a macOS application.
Here is what i've done:
let src = CGEventSource(stateID: CGEventSourceStateID.hidSystemState)
let cmd_down = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x38, keyDown: true)
let cmd_up = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x38, keyDown: false)
cmd_down?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)
cmd_up?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap)
macOS is asking me to allow my application on TCC accessibility. This is a global privilege and needs admin rights.
And i want to avoid that.
Is there an alternative to simulate a key stroke inside my application ?
I have read com.apple.security.app-sandbox entitlement is required for macOS applications distributed through appstore.
If so, how can it be possible for an application like Microsoft Word to read/write files in Documents folder ? It should be forbidden, due to sandbox ?
I am trying to understand how macOS virtualization framework and Virtualization products work on M1 chips.
I have tried Parallels Desktop. There are no third party kernel extensions (kext) installed with this product. When i plug an USB device on my mac, i get a popup asking me if i want to plug this device to my host mac or to the current Parallels virtual machine. How can this be possible without kext ? Device management is handled at kernel level... and there are no virtualization framework API for that...
I have create a Linux virtual machine with Virtualization framework (similar to GNULinuxVirtualMachineSampleApp project):
It works but I don't understand why i can't run Windows Virtual machines. Parallels Desktop seems to work with Virtualization framework too and this product can run ARM Windows Virtual Machine. How can they do that ?
Is there a way to simulate key sending with Virtualization framework ?
I have create a 64Gb disk (VZDiskImageStorageDeviceAttachment). I have a 64Gb file on my host mac, but i am using only 10Gb on the virtual machine at this moment. Is there a way to optimize the disk image file size ?
VZVirtualMachine provides a "pause" method. I don't understand where the virtual machine state (RAM memory, ...) is saved on the host.
Thanks a lot