




abort_with_payload : app crash after launch on iOS12.5 (real device only)
Has anyone experienced an app crash with iOS12.* or below? The app crashes when users download from AppStore and try to open the app, it shows launch screen and then crashes. This happens only with real devices running iOS12.* Simulators and real devices running iOS13 and above are fine. This is what the crash log obtained: #0 (null) in __abort_with_payload () #5 (null) in _dyld_start () I checked the solutions from StackOverflow such as: disabling "Enable guard Malloc" (was always disabled) clean (always clean before archive) And other solutions I didn't try yet, but I can't test on a real device if it works since I don't have an iPhone with iOS12. Change developer certificate in Keychain to "always trust" Pod update Any suggestions are highly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
Feb ’22
How to get a provisioning profile from enterprise account with a developer role.
I have an existing personal developer account set up in Xcode. Then today is my first day at work, I was added (with the same email) to another account (enterprise) with a developer role. However, I couldn't access the page which let me generate a provisioning profile. I believe need this to set up the team for building project. Any recommendation or resources is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Nov ’21