Did you ever find a solution to this?
Yes it's being discussed here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/660398
I wondered why my SwiftUI previews had stopped working while working on an app. Was driving me mad trying to remove bits of code to see where the issue was coming from. But yes it's as soon as any CoreNFC code is referenced. Crash!
I do not believe it does. From my understanding its closely tied to the App Store. So apps distributed with an enterprise signing won't be able to make use of it. We have both types of accounts and I've only had the option for our standard App Store account.
It’s just a URL. So they would get the option to view the URL in safari.
I imagine the OS does in the background yes. The implementation isn't something which is exposed to us.
CoreNFC has never been opened up on the iPhone6S, it's only ever been ApplePay.
I imagine there is some kind of hardware limitation with those devices which is why it has never been made available to us.
Better to use a generic QR code as I don't think an Android phone would be able to read the new circular QR code like format Apple are introducing.
Just create a QR code with a URL (e.g. https://example.com/store), and then add that URL as an App Clip in your iOS app. This will mean users who have iOS 14 will get your app clip when they scan the QR code, everyone else (including Android) users will just go to that URL in their browser.
Okay thanks. Have done under FB7848883.
In your schema you can setup the environment variable _XCAppClipURL and run on your device connected to Xcode.
You can use your own user sign in flow
If you mean the circular, QR code like, sticker with an NFC chip in the centre. Apple haven't announced this yet. Coming later this year.
Hard to say without your Pod file. But something like this should work:
project 'example.xcodeproj'
platform :ios, '10.0'
abstract_target 'ExampleApp' do
	pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.9.1'
	target 'Main App' do
	target 'App Clip' do
The targets should match the target names in Xcode. You can of course just include a pod in one of the individual targets if needed.
Well if you registered https://example.com/store/1 as an App Clip then on an iOS device running iOS14 it would open the App Clip. iOS 13 and less it would pop up a notification if NFC saying a URL has been scanned, do you want to open in Safari. Same with a QR code.
So on an Android device it would go to that URL in a browser. You have to own https://example.com to link it to an App Clip so on your web server serve some content from https://example.com/store/1 and the Android device will load whatever content is there.
App Clip codes are just URLs (If using NFC or QR codes). So it would just go to that URL in a browser.
The special circular App Clip code has a standard NFC chip in it and the outer circles are like a custom QR code pattern. I don’t think Android apps could read that. But they should be able to use the NFC tag and open the URL.