I resolved this by removing the static embedded framework. Embedding without signing doesn't seem to work.
Issue is still present in iOS 14 Beta 5 with Xcode 12 Beta 5. I am unable to build in Xcode 11 and run in Xcode 12.
This is an ongoing issue. Same issue persists with Beta 4. Ticket is open.
Thanks @VVD93. I ended up having to user WKWebview with a local url callback and listening for it. For anyone interested, I've pasted the code below:
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) {
// here we handle internally the callback url and call method that call handleOpenURL (not app scheme used)
if let url = navigationAction.request.url, url.host == "localhost" , url.path == "/linkedin-oauth-callback" {
if self.codeCheck == false {
if let code = url.valueOf("code") {
Log("Found code: \(code)")
codeCheck = true
getToken(code: code)
} else {
/* Dismiss your view controller as normal
And proceed with OAuth authorization code
The code you receive here is not the auth token; For auth token you have to make another api call with the code that you received here and you can procced further
I've had the same issue. Also submitted to Feedback. This is a very odd situation because the app was on the testing device since Beta 1 but I've noticed of getting a similar error when building and running on iOS 13.6 device. However, after a 2nd build and run cleared the error; no such luck for Betas 3&4. For iOS 14 Beta, issue started on Beta 3 but persists on Beta 4. Swapping certificates doesn't help. New Xcode build (12 Beta 4) doesn't help either.
I've had exact same issue. I submitted to Feedback. Does anyone have a fix or workaround?
Tried everything I know to do - uninstall/reinstall Xcode, delete app from phone, commit all changes, etc. Nothing seems to fix it.