




didReceive(_ payloads: [MXDiagnosticPayload]) method not invoked when using Simulate MetricKit Payloads in Xcode 14.0.1
I want to obtain the hanging diagnostics for my app. In order to simulate receiving them I use Debug > Simulate MetricKit Payloads in Xcode (14.0.1, 14A400), but the didReceive(_ payloads: [MXDiagnosticPayload]) method is not invoked. It works for the didReceive(_ payloads: [MXMetricPayload]) method. Is this a correct behavior? If so, how can I simulate receiving the diagnostic payloads?
Oct ’22
Transferring app that uses Sign in with Apple
I'm planning to transfer my app that uses Sign in with Apple from one development team to another (both are mine). I read and but still don't understand what the migration process should look like. At first I thought that I could exchange the identifiers for all my users on my backend's side (using /auth/usermigrationinfo), right after the transfer is completed. The problem I see is that in this case my app won't be informed about the new user identifier. I store it in a device's Keychain because I need it later to check the credential state via If I've understood correclty, this method, called with the "old" user identifier param, after 60 days, starts returning an error or the notFound state. So I have to update this at some point. Okay, the second idea is to re-log silently all my users when they run my app after the transfer (as described at the bottom of this article: But I can see another problem in here: someone may not run my app within 60 days. How should I approach this problem? I think this can be quite a common issue for a lot of developers. Thomas
Apr ’22
Should I carry out the SIWA users migration when app is transferred within the same account?
My app uses Sign in with Apple. I want to transfer it from one organization (development team) to another but within the same account. The app will use the same backend. Is this scenario, in terms of the migration process, different from the one when my app is transferred to another account? Should I carry out the migration exactly as described in this article
Apr ’22
Calling replaceCurrentItem(with:) method not working after an error occurs on AirPlay
Hello, My problem is quite complex, so I am going to describe it in detail below. I am developing a playback app that makes use of HLS streaming. One of the requirements I have to meet is that my app should react to HTTP response headers. As there is no API to get these information, I applied the solution described in the latest comment right here: HTTP Response Header from AVPlayer – I am using a proxy server to extract the headers from the response. The problem happens when a user wants to stream video on an external device via AirPlay. Since the proxy server runs only on a mobile device, any HTTP request fails on the external device due to an incorrect URL (e.g In this case, I detect when the AirPlay connection is initiated (via the Notification Center mechanism), and then change AVPlayerItem by calling the replaceCurrentItem(with:) method. The new item contains a correct URL, without the proxy server address added. Everything works fine on AirPlay 2, but unfortunately not on older AirPlay – the player on the external device displays an activity indicator for a moment and after a while the connection is being interrupted. As a workaround, I tried to set nil on AVPlayer and create a new instance of it, but this does not work either. I can attach the sample project if needed. Best regards, Tomasz
Jun ’21