




Reply to EAS build is failing since today's scheduled maintenance
Same issue this morning. That makes it almost 3 days with out even a whisper from Apple. I sent a bug report but it will be at least 1-2 days before I hear back. This along with the recent WeatherKit issues (and lack or response or help) has made my dive into mobile development extremely frustrating and painted Apple in a bad light. What the hell are we paying our yearly fees for?! It sure aint for developer support or reliable services...
Apr ’23
Reply to {'reason': 'NOT_ENABLED'}
I filed a bug report here… I suggest everyone does the same to get their attention. Absolutely fuming that there has been no an acknowledgment or help from Apple so far. Their status page says everything is fine and it seems they rarely visit these forums. Joke of a rollout. DarkSky never had these issues.
Mar ’23