




Reply to Some of my AppShortcut phrases work, but some launch Safari?
Have you had any luck here? I'm running into similarly issues. AppShortcut(intent: AskClipDish(), phrases: [ "Ask \(.applicationName) a question", "Ask \(.applicationName) for help", "Ask \(.applicationName)", "Tell \(.applicationName) \(\.$questionForClipDish)" ]) When I trigger with Ask ClipDish, I'm prompted to choose between Messages and ClipDish With I trigger with Tell ClipDish question, Safari opens.
Apr ’23
Reply to Share extension - App not showing in share menu on first attempt since iOS 14
This is definitely an issue and only seems to happen with Action Extensions on Safari. If you try this on Chrome the issue doesn't happen. Here's the feedback I submitted to Apple. URLs opened with that launch Safari as the default browser will not enumerate any of the action extensions that respond to URLs the first time you tap Share. If you tap Share a second time it will display the Action Extensions. Install an app or apps that have an Action Extension that responds to a URL (i.e., Dropbox, GoodNotes, ClipDish) Install and run the test app included here which calls open function. In the app, tap "Tap Me" This will open Safari. Then: Tap the Share button browse through the list and look for Dropbox, GoodNotes or ClipDish. You won't see them. Close the share sheet Open it again. They will appear. This just started happening in iOS 14. If I change my default browser to Chrome this doesn't happen so I'm pretty sure it's related to Safari.
Oct ’20