The documentation here says that the sign up with Apple button is available on web: in the Apple JS documentation, it shows only 2 buttons (sign in and continue) as being available: we expect the "Sign Up" button to be available in Apple JS soon?
As we prepare to release sign in with Apple, I want to enable it in my application while keeping the button hidden since we're not done with development. Will the app store approve applications with the sign in with apple cabality, but no sign in with apple button visible to users?
We've implementing SIWA on iOS and a web application using Sign in with Apple JS. I've setup a service ID tied to the application ID and can succesfully get callbacks on both platforms. I'm noticing that the user id provided by the iOS app is different than the id provided by the web application.We were expecting these to be different so we can store on our end and identify the user without having to use their email.