There is a reload method on the wkwebview, which might be a worst case option.It strikes me that you have a caching issue though.I don't see a really good option in the WKWebsiteDataStore.The NSURLRequest method has some caching options, but I'm not positive it works with file url's. I haven't done much with local files in a while.
Apple by default disables http from apps as a security measure.You should be able to enable it in your info.plistSee: sure to take note of the requirement to justify using http requests if your app is going to be made available through the app store.
Have you tried adding a swipe gesture recognizer?You should be able to use that to simulate the forward/backward swipe.Have you tried triggering a reload after updating the file?
Images don't show in this forum...For Best Results - Read the Label need to upload the image to another site and include a link to it.You should probably post the link with a space in it to avoid it going into moderation...For instance...htt ps://link...You may also need to paste it into a text editor and make that change prior to pasting it here since once the forum becomes aware of it being a link, it could still go into moderation.
What are you trying to do?Prevent the user from capturing screen contents?Prevent the webview from triggering a photo/video capture being triggered?
We finally get to do what Dilbert's boss wanted and not overuse the semicolons. 🙂
The simulator can't send mail.Your code should be testing to see if the device can send mail...
Have you tried unpairing and repairing?
There is a suggestion of it being needed to use the system player at least... possible way to detect the music app
In my mind, not stopping at breakpoints makes sense.The app you are testing it with was built in release mode and wouldn't support debugging.I could also see that creating a potential security issue allowing debugging in that situation.You might be able to use the system logging to help understand what is going on.There is information on viewing the logs on logging is at
My reading of the documentation suggests you won't be able to know.Even if it is enabled, a low power state might cause it to not happen.
It seems unlikely since that seems to be a selling point for Apple.
Not Apple documentation, but does discuss this functionality.
Where are you setting the frame?We have an issue with a client's app that on the iPad the screen size information isn't valid until view did appear.