




Extra large SF glyphs
There are some Apple widgets (like the Weather Stand-by widget) that use some extra large versions of numbers. In those cases, they appear to be using some modified version of the number glyphs that is much more pleasing to look at. The default corners are very sharp, but rounded makes the letters overall bubbly. With this mystery difference, the overall letters are scare but the corners have a radius. I have been completely unable to replicate this.. Can anyone please point me to how these alternate symbols can be used? It is driving me crazy that this exists but I can't access them.
Jun ’24
How to get SF Pro semi-rounded
Apple's Weather app StandBy widget uses a font for the temperature that I can't seem to find how to access. As far as I can tell, it is some variant of SF Pro, but it isn't the default and it isn't rounded. To my eye the slightly rounded corners look significantly better in places where the text is really large. Does anyone have any idea how to specify the mystery font as seen in the included image?
Sep ’23
Is there any way to give SwiftUI more views than can fit and have it show just what is possible?
The problem that I am trying to solve is a scenario where I have a vertical stack (specifically in a widget) and the subviews are of various heights. I have more views to show than can possibly fit, but determining exactly how many can fit is hard to do. I love to be able to give the view more subviews than it can show and let it show what fits and hide what doesn't fit. Ideally, I would love to see something like List supported in widgets where, instead of a scroll view, it was a limited space view and just cut off what couldn't be fit in the available space. Is there any way to do this with the tools we already have?
Jun ’21
When is placeholder(in:) called?
Can anyone could give me any insight into when the placeholder(in:) method gets called by the system? Through a significant amount of testing it seems to get called very seldomly and then cached off and reused. The mostly makes sense for a shipped application but it causes me issues during development because it will cache off a old/broken version and then I can't get rid of it. From my experience, the cached placeholder view lives on my device through launches of the main app from Xcode, launching the widget extension from Xcode, rebooting the phone, upgrading between each new beta release, quiting/restarting the app on my phone, and just waiting a couple weeks. I would be interested to know both what triggers the system to refresh the placeholder and what, if anything, I can do to intentionally force a refresh.
Aug ’20
Can Widget configuration differ in any way between widget sizes?
I have a widget that makes perfect sense to have at all three sizes (small, medium, and large). There is an extra element that I would like to give the user the ability to toggle on, but that additional element only really makes sense on the medium and large sizes. Is there any way to set up the intent such that a boolean value is only shown when configuring a medium or large widget, but is hidden when configuring a small widget?
Jul ’20