




Texting a Contact who's blocked my number but not Apple ID email
So, a bit of a complex situation. My device is an iPhone 15 Pro. Basically, this person is a contact on my phone, and she has blocked my phone number. However, my Apple ID email is not blocked. When I text this number on my iPad from the Apple ID, the message delivers and is Read. All normal so far. My question here is: On my iPhone 15, when I select "START NEW CONVERSATION FROM" and enable my Apple ID .. Will iMessage merge the prior text conversation initiated using my phone number (which is now blocked), or how will it handle these 2 threads (one from my phone number, the other the Apple ID)? She won't unblock, but she responds to my Apple ID email on iMessages. My goal here is to be able to receive and respond using my Apple ID on my phone, but I have a prior text conversation with this Contact on my Phone. Thanks!
Apr ’24