




Request for improved graphics support on MacOS guests (VMs)..
Hi, been exploring macOS VM on both Parallels and UTM and they lack some "GPU/graphics" things vs native MacOS which could be useful on some situations (testing some non trusted graphics apps on a Mac VM) so providing similar usefulness as Windows Sandbox.. Current limitations: 1)In MacOS VM night mode doesn't work.. 2)HDR support isn't exposed even when enabling HDR on host 3)missing GPTK support for the Paravirtual GPU (Paravitual GPU supports Metal but isn't enough for GPTK to work which complains about unsupported GPU).. 4)OpenCL is supported but only the CPU device.. so expose GPU device in addition to current CPU only device.. 5)OpenGL only supports the software renderer.. I assume OpenGL driver on Apple M1-4 GPUs being Metal based, and being Metal supported no reason for software renderer only thanks..
Nov ’24
2 Requests for Rosetta: support BMI1/2 and F16C and support also AVX1/2 on Rosetta Linux..
Hi, REQUEST 1: seems Microsoft is ahead of Apple in X86 ARM emulation support at least in features supported.. see: x64 emulated applications through Prism will now have support for additional extensions to the x86 instruction set architecture. These extensions include AVX and AVX2, as well as BMI, FMA, F16C BMI1/2 and F16C aren't yet supported by Rosetta.. would be useful for games like Alan Wake 2.. so asking for Rosetta equaling features to Prism emulator.. REQUEST 2: there is no way to currently enable AVX1/2 on Rosetta Linux.. on macOS using export ROSETTA_ADVERTISE_AVX=1 does the trick.. but not on Linux VM's.. tested setting this via: /bin/launchctl setenv ROSETTA_ADVERTISE_AVX 1 on Mac before VM launch and inside Linux VM but AVX2 isn't exposed..
Nov ’24
D3DMetal unsupported CheckFeatureSupport query 53 while running simple vulkaninfo using Mesa 24.3 Dozen (Vulkanon12) driver..
Hi, wanted to test if possible to use Mesa3D Dozen driver(Vulkan on D3D12 )+D3DMetal 2b3 to get maybe better Vulkan driver on Wine than default MoltenVK.. this will support Vulkan windows apps via using D3D12Metal.. using vulkan_dzn.dll,dzn_icd.x86_64.json,dxil.dll from x64 folder from: using simple vulkaninfo app and running like: wine64 vulkaninfo I get error: [D3DMetal:LOG:2A825] Unsupported API: CheckFeatureSupport, unhandled support query 53 also seems D3DMetal Wine integration on Whisky doesn't expose d3d12core.dll and d3d12.dll like new Agility D3D12 dlls or VKD3D, so getting: MESA: error: Failed to retrieve D3D12GetInterface MESA: error: Failed to load DXCore but anyways seems to try to load the driver as: WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. full log: MESA: error: Failed to retrieve D3D12GetInterface MESA: error: Failed to load DXCore WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. [D3DMetal:LOG:2A825] Unsupported API: CheckFeatureSupport, unhandled support query 53 00bc:fixme:dcomp:DCompositionCreateDevice 0000000000000000, {c37ea93a-e7aa-450d-b16f-9746cb0407f3}, 000000000011E328. MESA: error: Failed to load DXCore WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. [D3DMetal:LOG:2A825] Unsupported API: CheckFeatureSupport, unhandled support query 53 00bc:fixme:dcomp:DCompositionCreateDevice 0000000000000000, {c37ea93a-e7aa-450d-b16f-9746cb0407f3}, 000000000011E578. ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : setup_loader_term_phys_devs: Call to 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices' in ICD c:\windows\system32\.\vulkan_dzn.dll failed with error code -3 ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : setup_loader_term_phys_devs: Failed to detect any valid GPUs in the current config ERROR at C:\j\msdk0\build\Khronos-Tools\repo\vulkaninfo\vulkaninfo.h:241:vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices failed with ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
Nov ’24
Rossetta Linux fails with recent kernels>=6.11
Hi, please see detailed findings on: basically apps that runned via Rosetta Linux now fail in kernels>=6.11 like the included in Ubuntu 24.10 with: /media/rosetta/rosetta hello assertion failed [hash_table != nullptr]: Failed to find vdso DT_HASH (Vdso.cpp:78 get_vdso_dynamic_data) Trace/breakpoint trap the issue seems to be due to this commit.
Nov ’24
D3DMetal unsupported CreateCommandQueue1 API while running simple wglgears using Mesa 24.3 GLon12 driver..
Hi, wanted to test if possible to use Mesa3D OGLon12+D3DMetal 2b3 to get GL>4.1 support on windows apps via D3D12Metal.. using simple wglgears.c app (similar glxgears) and running like: GALLIUM_DRIVER=d3d12 wine64 wglgears64 -info with overridden opengl32.dll using contents from: I get: [D3DMetal:LOG:5E53] Unsupported API: CreateCommandQueue1 caused by: API: note setup is correct as using: GALLIUM_DRIVER=llvmpipe wine64 wglgears64 -info I get: GL_RENDERER = llvmpipe (LLVM 19.1.3, 128 bits) GL_VERSION = 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.3.0-rc1 (git-85ba713d76) GL_VENDOR = Mesa GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract r GL_EXT_texture.. etc..
Nov ’24