




Comment on Manually define a CKRecord ID for a given NSManagedObject instance
I can't help you there, I haven't use automatic synchronization because I need control about what is being synchronized. Actually I'm doing some test to stop using coredata references, so I won't have problems when synchronizing data out of order. You should make a list of pros and cons about the two options you have, and then decide which one is less painful, but you will have to compromise at some point.
Jul ’21
Comment on CKQuery predicate fails with ANY-BEGINSWITH
I was using BEGINSWITH, it shouldn't need to be Searchable. My whole idea was being able to search for prefixes in an array containing words. Searchable was not an option because I needed to search by prefixes, like if you are looking for all the "Joels", so I can start searching for "J", "Jo", "Joe" and find what I'm looking for. I decided change my idea, and I'm going to synchronize to the device, so I can use coredata to make best queries.
Jul ’21
Comment on Autorefresh MapPolyline when route data grows
I had a similar problem and what I did was creating an array of "Identifiable Structs" with only 1 item with the coordinates. Every time I had new data, I replaced the struct in the array and because it has a new ID, it's updated accordingly. It's almost the same that you are saying, but with your example, if you have too many lines, you start getting an error after approximately 600 lines. With my solution, I did a test with almost 5000 lines, all in the same polyline without any problem.
Jul ’23