I am trying to localize Swift framework and added a file Localizable.Strings and that file is included in the target but the app that consumes this framework is showing the key not the actual string.
NSLocalizedString("string_key", comment: "Actual String")
I think issue is related to bundle.
Do I need to add bundle parameter to NSLocalizedString? If so what is the bundle parameter value? If bundle is not required then what must be the issue
public protocol UploadDelegate: AnyObject {}
class NetworkManager: UploadDelegate {}
class A {
B().abc(uploadDelegate:NetworkManager() )
class B {
func abc (uploadDelegate: UploadDelegate) {
C().efg(uploadDelegate:uploadDelegate )
class C {
func efg (uploadDelegate: UploadDelegate) {
D().hij(uploadDelegate:uploadDelegate )
class D {
func hij (uploadDelegate: UploadDelegate) {
Can we pass the protocol/delegate as a func parameter? If yes, I believe its a weak property.
class a {
b().download ({ data in
class b{
func download (downloadedData: @escaping (_ data: Data? ) -> Void ) {
class c {
func download () -> Data {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
NetworkManager().downloadRequest: { (result: Result<Data, Error>) in
switch result {
case .success(let success)
case .failure(let error):
return data
Class a initiates the download and class c interacts with network manager to download the data. Class c issues semaphore wait as soon as it sends request to download the data and issues signal when download completes. Is there a way to issue signal from class a when download is in progress. Basically class a should be able to skip wait by issuing signal command
I have a class written in Swift that will present the view developed using SwiftUI.
SwiftUI is dependent on the enum used in Swift class to render the UI.
Is there a way to bind that enum in Swift UI so that SwiftUI will update automatically when ever there is a change to the enum in Swift class
I have the business logic in Swift class and built UI using SwiftUI. Below the high level code that shows how SwiftUI and its subview receives the data from Swift. Please let me know if its correct approach
class SwiftClass{
var score = "1"
func A () {}
func B () {
// score will get updated frequently
let scoreModal = ScoreUIViewModel()
let scoreUI: ScoreUI = ScoreUI(showModal: .constant(true), scoreUIViewModel: scoreModal)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// score getting updated from another class
scoreModal.score = score
// score getting updated from another class
score = "2"
scoreModal.score = "2"
// score getting updated from another class
score = "3"
scoreModal.score = "3"
// score getting updated from another class
score = "4"
scoreModal.score = "4"
import SwiftUI
class ScoreUIViewModel: Observable {
@Published score: String
struct ScoreUI: View {
@State var scoreUIViewModel: ScoreUIViewModel
func displayScoreUI() {
let hostController = UIHostingController(rootView: ScoreUI())
hostController = .overCurrentContext
topViewController()!.present(hostController, animated: true, completion: nil)
struct ScoreText: View {
@EnvironmentObject var scoreUIViewModel: ScoreUIViewModel
I developed a framework in Swift and designed a screen/view via SwiftUI.
SwiftUI view will be presented on top of the Window by the class written in Swift.
Now I need to pass the data from the Swift class to SwiftUI.
Could one any help to know the best practice to pass the data to show the progress from Swift class to Swift UI.
func A () {}
func B () {
// score will get updated frequently
score = ....
import SwiftUI
struct ScorePresenter: {
func presentScoreUI() {
let hostController = UIHostingController(rootView: ScoreUI())
hostController = .overCurrentContext
topViewController()!.present(hostController, animated: true, completion: nil)
struct ScoreUI: View {
var score = 1
When ever score changes in Score class ScoreUI must be updated accordingly.
I wanted to present an View with modal animation full screen on top the the existing view/viewcontroller programmatically(without button tap or tap gesture).
Is it possible to present a view without button tap/tap gesture?
I have a framework written in Swift and I wanted to design a view using SwiftUI. Is it possible?
I have a framework that will be consumed by other developers to develop the app.
I designed a view using SwiftUI in that framework and wanted to present that view with model animation programatically from the framework.
There are many sample that shows how to present a view with modal animation associated with button tap.
Can anyone let me know how to present a view modal programmatically?
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 10) {
code within asyncAfter will get executed after 10 seconds. Is there a way to cancel execution before 10 seconds
I need to get content-length from response header but it seems that content-length header is missing due to chunked Transfer Encoding. Is there anyway to get the content-length for Transfer-Encoding type
I know that using using JSONDecoder we can convert the downloaded JSON data into class/struct object.
Is there a way to do the same for raw data(NSData)/octect.
Since downloaded is not a json, I am getting error.
I have class like this
public struct FileData: Codable{
public var data: Data?
public init (data: Data? = nil){
self.data = data
Is there a way to assign the downloaded data to FileData().data via decoding
I have a framework written in Objective-C. My framework is in Swift and imported the 3rd party Objective-C framework in my project.
@interface AAAA: NSObject(void)setHandler:(idHandler)handler
I wanted to implement the Handler protocol in my Swift project.
I did like this
Class ZXY: NSObject, Handler{
// Implemented Handler Protocol optional methods
func aaaa(){
Handler protocol optional method aaaa never called. Am I missing anything
I am getting an error message (mixed language) while adding the Swift package dependency. Source code mostly contains Swift language and a little bit of Objective-C. Can't we mix Swift and Objective-C language? If so, what is the workaround
I have an Xcode project that generates xyz.framework and that framework is used by other teams for their app. Updating the framework is a manual process. So I am planning to covert my xyz.framwork source to swift package manager. I couldn't find any such articles. Please let me know if there is any resource around this topic.